Protect Yourself


Yourself (NAPSAX_Whal would youfamedo ita hangarbake tole your thie jou were therHaw da jou gpeesiatie Prac yourkistrom Blan the Internet? CourTe SeteChallenge 2001vile exploresof Tow ta avold bosieg ‘torjday crimes, and wil and arm you with lpintrmalion pre Nonion pete tlleeproteryour sslfand your fay. Ford,Chalenge the noet2001, of Court Te“i8ekSafety vl teetamerloareon wrt they none About proteins hemmenes, elt {amieand elpo the factthal rime is dawnDespite mapfndirgs fav Gal NelianalCine Prevention Sauna sures stowed (hat mnt ‘Amerisee sil earth posit etSeas. bring mugged, burgloried oF ‘Throughout the hour, crime their exerts wilardaferadvice prevention Insight afscrralions cpetel le despdtha whol varsly nal daof Shan canfraniad Zane al to commoncrimehe 2han mugpieg, ar Beking ard 1D. “Gaunt hosted T's Safely Challenge 2o0!is by ABC News ‘Anchor Jack Parts and aire on ‘Tuegda;, June Sth at 10 p.0 ener.