Protect Children From Being Injured In Lawnmower Accidents


(NAPSA)—A few common sense precautions can help prevent lawnmowerrelated injuries from befalling children. Each year, Shriners Hospitals for Children treat a number of children who have been seriously injured as a result of power lawnmowerincidents. Manyof these incidents result in the loss of fingers, toes, limbs and even eyes. Tragically, some lawnmoweraccidents can result in permanent brain damageordeath. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, one in every five deaths caused by a lawn- Always wipe up fuel spills as soon as they occur. 1. Keep children out of the —,, yard and in the house while mowing the lawn. 2. Never allow young children to mow the lawn. sleeved shirts, eye protection and heavy gloves. Wear sturdy closedtoe shoes with slip-resistant rub- bersoles. Don’t remove or disable guards, shields or any other safety devices. Stay behind the handle until the blade stops. Never reach under a mowerwhileit is still operating. that most of the deaths to children occur when a child falls off a riding mower and is run over, or If you need to remove debris to check the blade, disconnect the wire from the spark plug. For more information on lawn when a child is in the path of a moving mower. Manyof these unfortunate situations could have been avoided or their impact reduced dramati- mowersafety, or the Shriner’s network of 22 hospitals that treat children with orthopedic problems, burns and spinal cord injuries, cally if the following safety tips from Shriners Hospitals and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety please write to International Shrine Headquarters, Public Relations Department, 2900 Rocky Commission were followed: Read the owner’s manual dren under the age of 14 not be and shoes. Wear long pants, long- Use a lawnmower equipped The Commission estimates Keep children out of the yard and indoors while you're mowing the lawn. It is recommended that chil- of flame aroundgasoline. Wear appropriate clothing with an automatic blade cut-off. mowerinvolvesa child. and know how to operate the equipment. Don’t cut grass whenit is wet. Don’t allow passengers on a riding mower. Never fill the fuel tank on a mowerwhileit is still hot. e Never smoke or use any kind Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607. If you know a child the Following a few simple precautions can help avoid injuries to children due to lawnmowers. 5055 in the United States and 1- allowed to operate a lawnmower. Check your lawn for items such as sticks, rocks, toys or hand can visit their Web site at www.shriner Shriners Hospitals provide free treatment to in the grass. Handle fuel with care. ship to a Shriner. tools. Make sure nothing is hidden Shriners can help, call 1-800-237- 800-361-7256 in Canada, or you children under age 18 without regard to race, religion or relation-