Does Your Home Check Out For Electrical Safety?


Does Your Home CheckOutForElectrical Safety? (NAPSA)—Before you leave home in the morning, you run through a mental checklist: Keys? Check! Lights? Check! Blinds? Check! But most Americans have never thought about running through a checklist that could save them from electrocution or electrical fire: an electrical safety checklist. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFT) hascreated a free, downloadable check- list covering electrical issues that may arise inside your home. Covering every room from the kitchen to the basement, the checklist guides users through their homes’ electrical systems via a series of questions and suggested action items. Do yourlights flicker when you turn on the vacuum cleaner? Engage a licensed electrician to determine if your home has enoughelectrical circuits. Are you protected from electrocution that can result from electricity interacting with water? Conduct a monthly test of the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCDoutlets in the kitchen and bathroom. hoe eos << How safe is your home? A down- loadable checklist covers poten- tial electrical problems that can arise inside a home. To download ESFI’s Indoor Electrical Safety Checklist, go to Founded in 1994 through a Joint effort between Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFD is @ nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting electrical safety in the home and workplace. For additional electrical safety information, visit the Foundation’s Web site at or call (703) 841-3229. wa nnn anna nen n nee n eee eee e ee QOeo enn eee eee Note to Editors: May is National Electrical Safety Month.