Free Resources


(NAPSA)—Savvy seniors and those who love them can get a free comprehensive source of information about services and organizations of interest to older Americans. Resource Directory for Older People, compiled by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Resource Directory for Older People This free resource is useful for older people, health professionals, social service providers and caregivers. Administration on Aging, lists almost 300 public and private organizations, complete with mail- ing addresses, phone numbers, as well as Internet and e-mail addresses. “The recently updated directory is like Yellow Pages specifically for older people,” said Dr. Richard J. Hodes, NIAdirector. The free directory answers questions on a wide rangeof topics such as physical fitness, support groups, nursing homes, intergenerational programs, and Alzheimer’s disease. For your free copy, call 1-800222-2235; TTY 1-800-222-4235. Ask for Department RD.