Online Talk Show Explores Retirement


“oleae AIG TICEES Online Talk Show Explores Retirement (NAPSA)—There is good news for adults who are about toretire. There is a new Web-based talk show designed to give them fresh perspectives on aging andcreative ways to approach their lives in retirement. In partnership with Lutheran Social Services of New York, the Ammerman Centerfor Creative Aging has launched aninitiative called “Ignite Your LIFE.” The mission of this initiative is to A new talk show offers retirees insight on how to share their skills with their community as they enter a new phase oflife. serve, educate, support and engage individuals and the wider community in celebrating the aging process. The initiative’s “Ignite Your Life Talk Show” is streaming live from Valparaiso University on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 1 p.m. Central Time. With the help of the University and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ sponsorship, the show will highlight newly developed research related to aging, and en- gage and inspire participants by redefining what it means to be 50 and beyond. To learn more, visit www.