Warning Signs Your Aging Parents Need More Help


& Warning Signs Your Aging Parents Need More Help (NAPSA)—Home care agencies wlll often see a surge in calls in late December and early January. Why? Many grown children head homeforthe holidaysandnotice their aging parents need somehelp. “We usually see a surge in demand for care aroundthe holidaysas families get together andadult children notice changes in their parents’ well-being and realize they need more support to remain safe and independent in their homes,’ said Austin Harkness, head of care for Honor,oneofthe fastest-grow- eX | A visit to your parents can be a chanceto assess whetherthey need help at hometo stay healthy and independent. ing homecare companiesin the country. Here are waystotell: Take The Sniff Test Breathein that holiday hug.If you notice unclean clothes or an uncharacteristic body odor, that could signal that a parentis having trouble bathing, maintaining personal hygiene or keep- ing up with household chores such as laundry. If you see any of the above warn- ing signs, you may wantto arrange for yourparentto see a doctor andfor fam- ily members or professional caregivers to stop by and help with projects and chores. Just knowing yourparents have help and resources can relieve worry, both yours andtheirs. Listen Up Is the TV or radio volumeblaring? Next, follow your nosetothe kitchen. Open the fridge. You'll notice pretty Are conversations repeated? Does Mom parents may not. The sense of smell nodding insteadofparticipating? Don’t quickly if there’s spoiled food—but your diminishes with age, expecially after 70. Manyseniors can't detect unpleasant odors that would normallytell them it’s timetotoss last week's meatloaf. If the sniff test reveals someolfactory oddities, it might not just be “normal aging” Diminished sense of smell can be anearly indicator of Alzheimer’s and. Parkinson's diseases.If you sense some- thing isn’t quite right, help Mom or Dad to set up a doctor's visit to seeif there's something else going on. Have A Look Around Your childhood home may look the sameas ever—butit may not workas well for older adults. As people age,their envi- keepasking “what?”orjust smiling and brush it off. Difficulty following conver sations may bea sign of hearingloss, cognitive impairmentor both. Seniors whobeginlosing their hear- ing are at greater risk of developing dementia over timesince hearing is a brain function. Sometimes, hearing aids stimulate the sounds needed for the brain to restore organization and correctly process sounds. MakingSense Of Your Senses Talking to parents about warning signs you've noticedisn't fun. But doit anyway. Let them know youwantto be involved to help them stay independent ronmenttypically needs simple upgrades to keep them safe. You cansignificantly for as long as possible. Even if you live far away there’s a lot you can do, such as scheduling appointments andfind- rugs, removing extra furniture, securing projects. Talk to nearby family members reduce fall risks by taping down throw electrical cords out ofpathways and adding grabbars in the bathroom. Payattentionto clutteras well.Stacks of unopened mail, broken appliances or drooping houseplants may alsosignal a needfor help. Being unable to manage everydayactivities can be a symptom of depression or of cognitive impairment, whichoften presents like depression. inghelp with transportation, chores and about how theycan help outorset up a visit with a home care agency that can provide ongoing support. Fear oflosing independence keeps a Jot ofseniors tight lipped. If your parents are open and honest about their changing needs, considerit a generous holidaygift. They trust you'll know what to do with it.