Disaster And Emergency Preparedness


Disaster And Emergency Preparedness (NAPSA)—Thetragic events of September 11 have forced many human resources (HR) managers to re-examine their disaster and emergency preparednessplans. By directing specific questions to risk managers, fire chiefs, police chiefs, medical directors and hospital administrators, HR managers can begin to find—and correct—deficiencies in preparedness. The human toll of terrorism is incalculable; however, this should not stop HR managers from reassessing their preparedness plans, as they mayface direfiscal, legal, political and public relations ramifications if they appear unprepared following a disaster. To aid HR managers’efforts in updating preparedness plans, the HR Center at the International Personnel Management Associa- tion (IPMA) has developed a new publication, Disaster and Emergency Preparedness. This publication contains a wealth of information on preparedness, as well as sample emergency and disaster plans from various cities, counties, states and the Centers for Disease Control Health Advisory. The publication offers concrete solutions on how preparedness plans should be modified in accordance with the new threats we face. It includes: Strategies and rules for responding to disasters/emergencies; Steps managers can take in the event of a disaster; and Resources available to city and county managers and depart- A new guide helps businesses prepare themselves for worstcase scenarios. mentleaders to help them prepare for terrorism and other disasters. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness also contains valuable information from contributing author Howard Levitin, a principal at Disaster Planning International who specializes in hazardous materials and disaster planning for emergency medical systems, hospitals, communities and industry. Levitin provides training for first responders and physicians in many of America’s 120 largest cities under the U.S. Department of Defense’s Domestic Preparedness Program. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness is available for $50 ($30 for IPMA members), and copies can be ordered by calling (703) 549-7100 or sending an e-mail to the Publications Department at publications@ipma-hr.org.