Copying On The Go


Copying On The Go (NAPSA)—You mayfeellike the star in an espionage movie when you take out a palm-size device that lets you copy flash drives at the speed of 2GB per minute, but in the future, such compact, portable devices may be standard equipment for anyone who wants to make copies without a computer. For example, the Professional 2- copy USB Duplicator, which weighs only 12 ounces, can easily slip into a briefcase, purse or backpack for fast, portable duplicating. 4 vat \ At only 12 ounces, the compact device can fit into a purse or backpack. Previously, most users required a desktop or laptop computer to duplicate a USB flash drive. But a portable duplicator can help salespeople copy PowerPoint presentations, brochures or sales litera- ture; engineers and technicians to transfer documents in-field; presenters to easily disseminate material at trade shows or seminars; and teachers to pass out study materials and homework. Even those in creative fields can employ it to distribute copies of their product, be it music, video, literature or graphic art. As an added bonus, the device also veri- fies the specs of most any USB flash drive. For more information on EZ Dupe’s 2-copy USB Duplicator, go to or visit any Office Depot location.