Locking Or Freezing Your Credit Report Is One Important Step You Can Take To Help Better Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft


One Important Step You Can Take To Help Better Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft (NAPSA)—You may have heard the terms “security freeze” and “credit report lock” While they are sometimes used interchangeably, they aren't exactly the same. While both are designed to help yourestrict certain access to yourcredit information, they do so in different ways. A credit report lock may allow you to lock and unlock your credit report online or on a mobile device through an app, using a username and password. Options to lock your credit report are available from each of the three major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. If youre applying for insurance or credit—buying a car, for example, or applying for a loan—you will need to unlock your credit report to allow a credit check. Equifax now offers Lock & Alert, a free service that allows you to quickly lock and unlock your Equifax credit report online or on your smartphone. A security freeze is also known as a credit freeze. Placing, lifting or removing a security freeze can be doneonline, by phone or by mail. To lift or remove a security freeze, you will need the PIN you receive when you place it. Secu- rity freezes are subject to regulation by each state. Once a freeze is placed on yourcredit reports, it prevents access by certain third parties, such as lenders or Locking or freezing your credit report is one important step you can take to help better protect yourself againstidentity theft. bureaufor placing,lifting or removing a security freeze. Equifax has waived fees to place, lift or remove security freezes through June 30. Security freezes and credit report locks don't keep everybody out. There are exceptions, which mayvarybystate, as to who canstill access your credit report whenit is frozen or locked. ‘These exceptions mayinclude: Companieslike Equifax Global ConsumerSolutionsthat provide you with access to your credit report or credit score or monitor yourcreditfile Companies you have an_ existing accountorrelationship with creditors you're requesting new credit Federal, state and local government you applyfor insurance coverage. If youre applying for insurance or credit, you'll need to temporarily lift or permanently remove your security freeze. A temporarylift of your freeze can be for a specific period of time or for a specific company. Security freezes must be placed separately at each of the three majorcredit bureaus. Depending on the state where youlive, you may pay a fee at each credit Collection agencies acting on behalf of companies you owe For fraud detection purposes Companies that wish to make preapproved offers of credit or insurance to you from, and insurance companies when agencies e Companies reviewing your applica- tion for employment. To sign up for Lock & Alert, go to www.equifax.com/personal/products/ credit/credit-lock-alert.