Finding Balance On The Road


(NAPSA)—It takes effort to maintain one’s balance in today’s world, especially when oneis traveling. A recent survey, conducted by Fairfield Inn & Suites, polled business travelers and revealed someintriguing insights aboutlife on the road. In light of those findings and to help travelers stay productive and not skip a beat, Fairfield Inn & Suites offers these five tips to anyone who has lot to juggle while away from home: *Know It’s Not a One-Person Job: There’s a lot of pressure to do it all, but it’s important to realize that you can’t do everything yourself, whether on the road or at home. According to the survey, 87 percent of respondents feel it is important to surround yourself with people who help you maintain balance. Stay Connected: Make time for family and friends even while on the road. It can be easy with today’s technology. A few minutes of video chatting can make a difference—75 percent say that commu- nicating with loved ones while traveling helps keep them balanced. *Enjoy Your Freedom on the Road: While sticking to a daily routine while far from home may work for some individuals, more Americans (64 percent) say living outside of their normal routine and embracing their freedom on the road is what helps them stay balanced. *Find Tech-Life Balance: Technology is necessary in today’s world and definitely helps people organize and maintain busy schedules; however, you don’t have to let it get in the way of FINDING BALANCE ON THE ROAD Whokeepsusbalanced? Find balanceby surrounding yourself with other amazing people. oy % SAY THE PEOPLE THEY’RE AROUND MAKEAN IMPACT ON THEIR BALANCE SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER i 69>, PETS ed 50:. COWORKERS EE 32:, CHILDREN MM 30%, Hosronciagsmer CHANCE ENCOUNTERS SE 23%, ONLINE FRIENDS [il 92, ; C247: (522) (59) ane ee 1 49s, HEALTHY, #STAYAMAZING FAIRFIELD “Narrott. Q time with friends and family or for yourself. Indulge in sometech-free time; know when to put away your phone and refrain from checking e-mails andsocial media. *Keep a Healthy Diet: Eating well on the road is often challenging, with nearly 60 percent of people saying they eat less healthfully when they travel. Starting the day with a good breakfast, not skipping meals, and staying hydrated will help you maintain momentum. Learn More For further facts on finding your balance and to help you find a place to stay, visit