Isn't Your Skin Looking Rice?


Isn’t Your Skin Looking Rice? (NAPSA)—Acostly variety of black rice grown exclusively for centuries for the emperor of China is now an essential ingredient in age-defying cosmetics. Grown today in the Vercellese area of Italy, the rice is rich in natural active ingredients knownfor their anti-aging, energizing, anti-oxidizing and revitalizing properties. Rice can help create cosmetic products with the power to restore and nourish skin. Perlier, a 75-year-old Italian skin care company that uses the latest in pharmaceutical research and technology, has created a line of body treatments based on this rice. The Risarium Per- lier line includes: Risarium Perlier Energizing Bath, Risarium Perlier Liquid Soap, Risarium Perlier Body Balm and Risarium Perlier Hand Cream. In addition to their revitalizing power, all the products feature formulas delicate enoughfor all skin types. For more information, go to