

SREVIEW Desperado (NAPSA)—Diana Palmer, one of the world’s top romance writers is known for her memorable characters and snappy dialogue. In Desperado (MIRA Books, $6.99, now available in paperback), she tells the story of a clash of wills between two people who A NOVEL DESPERADO @ Will the power of Maggie and Cord’s love triumph over unspeak- able evil? Read this book to find out. must confront their splintered past and walk a tightrope between life and death. Cord Romero is a professional mercenary who has been temporarily blinded trying to disarm a booby-trapped bomb. When his foster sister, Maggie Barton hears he haslost his sight, she rushes to his side, only to receive a hostile reception. Antagonistic remarks protect them from revealing the love that each holds for the other. While trying to bring down the man who set the bomb, Cord dis- covers Maggie has becomea figure in this deadly game of chess. Desperado is available wherever paperbacks are sold or through