A Journey Home


Ti eaeain) pat? ‘HOLIDAYGIFT IDEAS! bod &_beLt_Oak ~Os 0lOect_p 00 DFee eeere eeeearners (e A Journey Home (NAPSA)—A new book by one of America’s most beloved authors proves that you can indeed go home again—and the trip there may even prove to be a healing journeyof the soul. “Home to Holly Springs” (Penguin Paperback, $13.95), a Father Tim novel by Jan Karon,tells the story of Father Tim’s return to Holly Springs, where he learns of long-buried family secrets. The secrets force him to understand and forgive his parents, who had died many yearsearlier. prattine Father Tim’s /)) wife Cynthia is stuck home with a broken ankle and unable to make the trip, so Barnabas the dog is enlisted A to accompany him. Their first it ay) stop in Holly iii Springs is to Father Tim’s favorite lunch spot, Tyson’s Drugs. Though modern- ized, it is still the place he remembers and loves. It is here that he meets just a few of the eccentric and endearing characters Karon is known for creating. In “Home to Holly Springs,” readers will learn about Father Tim’s relationship with his father, his parents’ relationship with one another, why Father Tim left his home of Holly Springs and who drew him back. The book is a great gift for Karon fans or anyone you think might become a fan. Her books offer a healthy dose of good neighborliness, religious faith and a sense of community that many consider heartwarming.