Your Hidden Food Allergies: Making You Fat


u Vil ale e nex Ms apiar auc ne is ed_' sa Bs e we ag ike_ n hsMoy nued 3 l vl ‘ade each “in hon hat ‘Ab eller er tal Your Hidden FoodAllergies: Making You Fat’? (NAPSA)—Your intolerance to certain foods may be keeping you from losing weight. This is the mes- sage in Your Hidden Food Allergies Are Making You Fat (Prima Publishing, $15) by Rudy Rivera, M.D., and Roger D. Deutsch. . Even such wholesome foods as fruits, fish and wheat can be trig- ~* gers that cause the _... . body to changeits @ metabolic processes. Not only can this Eliminating cause the body to foods you are resist weight loss, allergic to from but it may also lead your diet is a to medical cond1- key factor in tions ranging from losing weight. migraines to arthritis and fatigue. The book also details some interesting scientific studies. In one, women who addressed their food intolerances were able to not only lose weight, but also lost fat from their thighs—something they had previously been unable to do. People can determinetheir food intolerances with the help of a simple blood test called the ALCAT Test. In a recent clinical study conducted by medical experts, 98 percent of the subjects following the ALCAT plan lost weight or improved their body composition. The book is available in bookstores, or by calling 800-881-2685. It can also also be ordered online at The studies and other useful information are on the Website.