Understanding Medication


Bulletin. Understanding Medication (NAPSA)—American doctors write three billion prescriptions every year. Yet most people know little about their prescription medicine. For example, did you know taking the supplement St. John’s Wort and birth control pills can lessen the effectiveness of the birth control? Everything You Need to Knowfor Safe Drug Use Detailedprofiles of more than 300drugs of major importance encompassing more than eAvery a 16-pagefull-colorinsert for quick and easy drug identification Includes hundreds ofherbal/prescription combinations you MUSTavoid James J. Rybacki, Pharm.D. @ A new book provides important information on common drug interactions. The 2002 edition of The Essential Guide To Prescription Drugs 2002: Everything You Need To Know for Safe Drug Use (Harper Resource, $54.95) has facts of this type as well as other information on the potentially harmful effects of mixing medicines. The book focuses on a number of modernissues, including: Should you get medicine from the Internet? * Why was Cipro (at $30 a pill) on the Webat all? What’s the difference between an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medicine and who should take them? The book has been published for nearly twenty-five years. It is written by James J. Rybacki, Pharm. D. For more information, visit www.harpercollins.com.