Who Wants To Marry A Soulmate?


A Soulmate? (NAPSA)—Who do you want to marry? A millionaire? Someone of the same faith? Surprisingly, the answer for most people is none of the above. Nearly 90 percent want a soulmate. Over half also believe in love at first sight. ie ed/1SCOVereae) oe TY ur Eoboat ANISTATIA MILLER “ JARED BROWN A new book details how astrology can help you find your soulmate. There are ancient beliefs surrounding soulmates. In China, the Old Man in the Moonis said to connect soulmates by a red silk thread so they will find each other in subsequentlifetimes. According to Jewish tradition, each soul is split in two as it descends to Earth: then the halves enter a male anda female body. It’s believed that marriage reuinites the separated halves. Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown, soulmates and authors of Perfect Match: Discovering Your Soulmate, (Schocken Books, $15.95), include these and other Chinese, Hindu, Jewish and Celtic traditions in this entertaining book. They detail how to find your soulmate, select your wedding date, and enhance your ceremony, reception and yourrelationship.