Mind Over Matter Or Destiny?


BOOK AYALY Mind Over Matter or Destiny? (NAPSA)—Whether you believe thatlife is a matter of “mind over matter” or a person’s destiny is “in the cards,” two books from a popular series may prove quite illuminating. Happiness, Buddha oncesaid, is actually quite simple. The secret is to want what you have and not A want what you don’t PETIT have. Althoughthis i may not be as easy as it sounds, a new book, Buddhism 9 For Dummies by : Jonathan Landaw and. Stephan Bodian ($21.99, Wiley), can makeit easier for read. ers to understand the teachings of Buddha and Buddhism’s practical yet eloquent precepts. Landaw wasa translation editor for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Bodianis a Zen teacher and author of Meditation For Dummies. Is there Tarot card reading in your future? To decide if the Tarot is a tool you may want to know better, you mayfirst want to read Tarot For Dummies ($21.99, Wiley) by x: Amber Jayanti. Her Tarot guide offers Tarot practical suggestions pei on howto do a readsa, ing, plusinsideinfor- 225 mation on this symCT) bolic system which has helped put many people in touch with their intuition and emotions. Jayanti is founder of the Santa Cruz School for Tarot & Qabalah Study.