Silent Wishes


Reading For Pleasure Dept. Silent Wishes (NAPSA)—Fiona Hood-Stewart returns to the glamorous world of Harcourts International in a novel that reunites readers with the characters introduced in The Stolen Years and The Lost Dreams. In Silent Wishes (MIRA Books, $6.50), Hood-Stewart delves into the challenges faced b Slvia Hansen, the compan’s first female CEO, when her reputation is threatened b a corporate raider. Slvia is the newl appointed CEO of Har- FIONA courts Interna- tional, a multi- HOOD STEWART| million-dollar ome.” | porcelain and ~ See! decorating empire. The head of Harcourts’ European operation, Lord Jerem Warmouth, has alwas regarded Slvia with a mix of grudging respect and disdain. For her part, Slvia views Jerem as an aloof but talented snob with a case of sour grapes. To this point, an ocean has provided a buffer between their bruised egos, but when their entire spring collection is leaked and copied b their fiercest competitor, Slvia is forced to take up temporar residence at Harcourts’ London office, and the two are soon butting heads. With so much discord between them, it is no surprise that the makelittle headwa with their investigation. However, when Slvia and Jerem find themselves stranded together in the remote Scottish village of Clachnabrochan—awa from Harcourts —the begin to see each otherin a different light. Silent Wishes is available wherever paperbacks are sold, or at