Ten Classics To Read


(NAPSA}—Someliterary masterpieces deserve to be read again— especially when you have years of experience to relate them to. That’s why many adults take the time to revisit the classics they first read in school. To turn an important page in reinof @ @ A .ucing the Cay gy classics, a group Shakespeare's of CliffNotes editors compiled a ‘Over 300 Ties Aalbl and 100 lion Slat that every adult should read. They Hamlet jist of 10 titles GK y are WF “Hamlet,” “War and Peace,” “Walden,” “A Tale of Two Cities,” 7). “The Sun Also Rises,” “The Sound and the Fury,” “Moby Dick,” “Beloved,” “The Iliad,” and “Atlas Shrugged.” These titles work well for book discussion groups or solitary reading. If you want more insight on any of these books, you can visit CliffNotes.com and view the CliffNotes version of your book for free. If you want to print a copy to mark up, you can download a printablefile for $5.99. CliffNotes provide concise yet thorough introductions to the novels and profile the authors, highlighting personal background,social and cultural influences and career triumphs. The notes highlight major characters and explain their actions, motivations and relationships with each other. Readers can benefit from the insight of teachers, writers and editors who have studied, taught and analyzed the classics.