Weight Loss That Lasts


ideas Weight Loss That Lasts (NAPSA)—Being five pounds overweight may be just as dangerous as being obese. A new book says being even a little overweight is not a good idea. As weight goes out of the healthy range, risk increases for mE heart disease, high CWeightWatchers blood pressure, stroke, Weight Loss} giabetes, several That Lasts forms of cancer, met‘thei0Bo ge] abolic syndrome,gall‘| bladder disease and James M. Rippe, wT) aw Weight Watchers gout. Yet according to cardiologist and author A new book James M. Rippe, M.D., says even five Many Americanslive pounds over- under the impression weight can be that being just a couunhealthy. ple of pounds over their ideal weightis harmless, and certainly better than being obese. Hecalls that belief one of the 10 diet myths he works to debunk in his new book “Weight Loss That Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths” (Wiley; $22.95). “Finding a comfortable weight within the healthy range for your height is best,” advises Dr. Rippe. “Even a relatively small amount of weight loss can improve your health significantly.” Dr. Rippe suggests that adults do a weight and health check to find out whether they are over- weight, and that if weight loss is needed, they should aim to lose five percent to 10 percent of their initial weight by choosing a method and approach that leads to sustained weightloss.