The Family Weight-Loss Game


PPPLIPIPPPIIPIDIPIPIIPS Winning The Family Weight-Loss Game (NAPSA)—Is weight weighing heavily on your mind? If you or someone in your family needs to lose weight, you have lots of company: Nearly two-thirds of American adults and a third of American children needto lighten up. Since the family is one of the most powerful influences on a child’s weight and health, a new book from Betty Crocker rallies family members to team up in tackling their weight concerns. “Betty Crocker Win At Weight Loss Cookbook” ($24.95, available where books are sold) maps out a game plan of simple steps that parents can take for improving their own healthy habits while allowing their kids to become more active and “grow into” a healthier weight. Parents are the role model and coach of the family team. To ensure success for readers, Betty Crocker enlisted the assistance of a leading public health @ expert for winning strategies in this new book. An internationally respected researcher in weight control, James Hill, Ph.D., lends his best advice from years of counseling clients who have attained and successfully maintained a healthy weight. Hill is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado, and director of the Center for Human Nutrition, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Hill is also co-founder of America on the Move, an initia- tive to help people avoid weight gain. The family that plays together enjoys good health and has fun together. In becoming moreactive and enjoying a wide variety of delicious meals, any family can be “winners” and gain healthy habits for a lifetime. The new book provides realistic steps for any family to take toward better health. Winning at the Losing Game Weight-control researcher Dr. James Hill shares these tips for success: Positive self-talk is a powerful motivating tool. Rather than putting yourself down,think and talk positively about yourself to your kids. It can go a long way toward building your child's self-esteem (as well as your own!). Practice eating only until you're satisfied, not full. Overtime,this will easily become a habit. e Focusing on what and how much youeat is important, butit’s only part of the equation. The otherbig piece is how much you move. Become moreactive yourself, and encourage your kids to make moving a habit. You mayall come up with a new discoverythatit’s fun! Talk to your kids about the wholesomeingredients you use in baking and cooking.Involve them as much aspossible in making dinner or breakfast on the weekend—chancesare they'll be eager to help (and to eat what they've prepared!). There may be manybenefits in being active, but one of the most importantis that activity strengthens your heart, slowing it to pump more oxygen to your muscles. Encourage yourkids to share their creativity by helping youin the kitchen.Kids feel proud whenthey arelearning life skill, understanding the benefits of good nutrition and its relationship to goodhealth. Moreideas can be found in “Betty Crocker Win At Weight Loss Cookbook.” @