Tips For Bakers


Tips For Bakers (NAPSA)—For many, baking is as much a part of the holidays as gift shopping and decorating. But stocking the pantry, mixing, measuring, and using the oven can sometimes be a challenge when timeis in short sup- ply. A new book might help. It offers plenty of ideas and inspiration for holiday bakers—as well as 150 tasty recipes that will take anyone through Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s and beyond. Called “Pillsbury Hol- iday Baking” (Wiley), it offers e these tips and holiday more: baking * Cool all : baked goods completely be|. fore wrapping =p) andfreezing. = e When mail- ing more than one kind of cookie or bar, wrap each kind separately so your sugar cookies don’t taste like ginger cookies or your brown- ies don’t taste like pumpkin bars. e For Kwanzaa cutouts: Let kids look through magazines for pictures of African fabric to make invitations and party decorations using those designs. e If you can’t find Hanukkah cookie cutters, make templates out of cardboard. Recycle creatively: Dress up the outside of plastic, metal or glass jars and canisters with colorful felt, felt cutouts or wrapping paper. e Ring in the New Year by writing the year, a seasonal word, or message on the rim of dessert plates with decorating gels. For more information, visit