Get Into Business School


(NAPSA)—Evenwith top business schools rejecting over 85 percent of applicants, you can manage the admissions processif you avoid a few mistakes, according to Stacy Blackman, co-author of “The MBA Application Roadmap”and an admis- sions consultant. Here are some top mistakes often encountered by Blackman: | P : . — my , Failing to address obvious ,. weaknesses. Ad- ) TOY'} missionsofficers =, may be interested in what you ial Thefssett’ learned from a Getting intoa mistake Top Bu : A good business school application reveals passions and unique qualities through activities outside of work. ————————— oO Focusing only on career and pro- fessional achieve- ments. Reveal Your unique qualties through activ1t1es outside of WOrse Having too many people review and comment on your application essay can water it down. Not preparing adequately for the admissions interview. Anticipate questions and practice. Stacy Blackman Consulting has helped clients gain admission to every top business school in the world. Learn more at