Revive Your Vigor


Revive Your Vigor (NAPSA)—TheCenters for Dis- ease Control and Prevention says stress contributes to half theillnesses in North America, includ- ing depression, fatigue and burnout—or what scientists measure as “vigor.” You can protect yourself and improve your vigor— that is, your mental and physical energy—with some simple steps: * Move. Physical activity can keep stress away by clearing your head andlifting yourspirits. a ; bNe Ax. " r, t a Physical and emotional energy and mental focusareall signs of vigor. Eat. Have regular meals with lots of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains. Sleep. Get at least eight hours a night. Relax. Take a few deep breaths to help yourself unwind. Try a good book. One that offers some surprising insights into stopping stress is by nutritional biochemist and exercise physiologist Dr. Shawn Talbott. In the book, “Vigor—7 Days to Unlimited Energy, Focus and WellBeing,” Dr. Talbott explains that millions of people feel “tired, stressed and depressed” because of metabolic imbalances specifically, disruptions in hormones such as cortisol and testosterone and neurotransmitters including dopamine and norepinephrine that lead to feelings of reduced vigor. Restoring hormonebalance restores vigor. For more information and a copy of the book, see www.Vigor Book.comorcall (801) 576-0788.