Opportunities Abound In Cosmetology


Opportunities Abound In Cosmetology (NAPSA)—In a field such as cosmetology that requires individual vision, the way students are taught is being updated to inspire today’s generation. There are alluring career opportunities for those with a modern cosmetology education. Finding the right school to suit your career aspirations is the first step in reaching thetop. While cosmetologists are artists who expresstheir creativity in the media of hair design, nail art and makeup application, they mustalso have an in-depth knowl- edge of anatomy, chemistry and theory. Pivot Point International, the global leader in cosmetology education, empowers and transforms students while preparing them for the real-world beauty industry. The schools’ alumni have bet- ter opportunities for success in the salon and make better salon employees. They work in and own salons as celebrity, fashion and platform stylists and in top corporations. “Cosmetology education opened my eyes so I could appreciate the quality in hair and imagine how that design could be re-created,” said Judy Rambert, now VP of education and research at the company. To expand its vision of inspiring lifelong learning, the new Designer’s Approach program gives the technical foundation to achieve predictable results while teaching beauty students to see, think, create and adaptasartists. “TI enrolled in a Pivot Point school because the teaching methods involved a different approach from other schools,” said Rohn Hamel, currently a VP at Alberto Culver Company. “I’m delighted to Z Ls Award-winning educational programs teach more than the basic cosmetologyskills. They offer the basics of professional success. see the progress they continue to make.” Students who complete the Designer’s Approach education will have the artistic and techni- cal abilities needed to succeed in today’s top salons. Their training will open doors to good jobs and follow graduates throughout their careers, both nationally and internationally. “Our system, created by Leo Passage more than 45 years ago, will continue to drive the paradigm shift in beauty education,” stated CEO Karen WilkinDonachie on introducing the Designer’s Approach. There are more than 300 affiliated beauty schools in North America, plus three company- owned academies in the Chicago area. It is the only cosmetology education system taught in 1,000 cosmetology schools, 13 languages and 70+ countries around the world. To find out more on the best in cosmetology education, visit www.pivot-point.com.