Pepperlane Gives Moms Tools, Network To Build Their Own Business


To Build Their Own Bu: (NAPSA)—Motherswantto doit all, but between work,children’s schedules and homelife, you can beleft scram- blingto keepall theballs in the air. For most, there are just two options: work full-time or stay at home to care for yourchildren. A new company, Pepper- Jane,is workingto give mothers another option—so you don't have to choose betweenprofessionalpassionsand being homeforyourfamilies. Pepperlane ( provides mothers with tools and train- ingthey needto build successful businesses where they can make income on their own terms, whether that means You can make money on your own terms, whetherthat means working five hours a week or 30. working five hours a week or 30. “It’s okay to dream big” said Jana that it was so customized to our needs,” Blanchette, a Pepperlane mother who said Bast. “Its clear that as moms, we creates custom memory quilts. “I’m doingthingsI never thought I would do before, and nowI call myself a business owner.” don't havea lot oftime and weneed the accountability and structure to keep us ontrack” ‘The Pathway program joins women Pepperlane can workfor you whether you're already in business or have an with upto 25 like-minded mothers and business owners whocantrade advice, ers to quickly and easily build a Web presence,sell online and join Pepper- are kept small so that memberscan cre- easy. planswith short daily lessonsandactiv- idea. The online platform allows moth- Jane's marketplace of services—it’s that If the thought ofstarting your own. feedback and encouragement. Cohorts ate and develop meaningfulrelation- ships. Participants receive personalized ities on topics like finding customers business is nerve-racking, Pepperlane through social media, networking effec- connects you with a supportive community that will not only offer advice butwill also include someofyourfirst customers. Pepperlane’s local Boost Events connectlike-minded women in their own communities for education and networking. The eventsstarted in tively andgetting repeat business. Morethan 1,000 womenhavejoined. Pepperlane, andit's that community of womenthat memberssay has surprised them the most. Becky Mariano, a social media spe- Englandandare alsooffered online. cialist and consultant, wasn't sure she had whatit took to be an entrepreneur whensheleft the corporate world after business training program, will give lic relations and tech, but started her business forward by focusing on one task each day. This groundbreaking idea Mariano said. “’'m completely in awe Massachusetts, have spread across New Pepperlane Pathway, a personalized youthe tools and support to move your considersthat as a mother, you have an endless to-dolist that only gets longer, trying to balance professional pursuits andyour family. morethan seven years working in pubown consultingbusinessin February. “Tve been pleasantly surprised? of the generosity of the membersof this community and their willingness to help me and promote mybusiness” and CEOofPepperlane. Marianohasreceived so muchbusiness since joining Pepperlane that she is currently looking to hire someoneto help her continueto grow the business. Mothersaretalented, passionate and eager to put their skills to work. Are you ready to leave the outdated “work organizer and owner of Declutterista, participatedin thefirst Pathway group. the third option with Pepperlane? Visit “We are creating the third option so that mothers don't have to choose between their professional passions and being homefortheir families—we can do both? said Sharon Kan, co-founder Becky Bast, a professional home or stay home”options behind andjoin thousandsof mothers who are pursuing “WhatI loved aboutthe program is www.pepperlane.coto learn how.