Planning For A More Successful Year


(NAPSA)—Your organization can be more profitable—and even more fun to work at—whentheboard is running well. Yet even the best board can sometimes do with a little improvement. Dysfunctions can range from challenges with different personalities and agendas to lacking a unified system of record, or rather, an inefficient, ambiguous approach to documenting goals and milestones, measuring performance and demonstrating accountability. Your next board meeting could be Consider these eight questions to determine if your organization's board could bebetter run: 1. Are we providing the transparency andaccountability that’s expected? agementsoftware. be? ment andstrategic planning features in a single, simple-to-useinterface.It lets Questions To Contemplate 2. Are we as productive as we should 3. Are weall on the samepage with our mission andvision? 4. Are we setting and monitoring the right goals to move ourorganization forward? 5. Are we anticipating and manag- ing change proactively? 6. How is the onboarding experi- ence for new board members? 7. How effectively are we engaging with stakeholders and the community? 8. How secure and compliant are our systemsandprocesses? ‘Your Answer Ifyou're not happywith your answers more productive with board manOne first-of-its-kind board por- tal that delivers innovative software andservices to help governing boards achieve success is NXTBoard.This plat- form combines both board manage- members plan all aspects of a board meeting andservesasa central repository forinstitutional knowledge. Boards can useit for the following: + Board collaboration + Calendar/scheduling + Automating agendas Tracking time spent in meetings and ontopics + Minutes recording and archiving + Document storage, annotation and tracking Board package creation and dissemination to these questions, you may find a cloudbased unified board portaluseful.It can provide online documenthosting,automated agendasandcentralized scheduling, together with strategic planning such as goal creation, adoption and Creating, adopting and evaluating Atthe sametime,it’s secure, dependable and always there when members needaccess.It can providethe function- Amazon WebServices (AWS)cloud and ments and reducethecost ofinefficient and unproductive processes. Forfurther information or a demo, visit monitoring. ality you need with minimal require- goals—and linking those goals to organizational outcomes Monitoring progress with board reports, milestonesandtask lists + Public posting ofboard materials. ‘Theplatform is securely hostedin the can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on anydevice, through any Web browser. Learn More