National Teacher Of The Year Award Program


NationalTeacher OfThe Year Award Program (NAPSAD—An annual natinnal award program. sponsored by hatwide arBosian te ration Frat and recagrizes Target affprice fashion alg, teachers Tor their dedestn and sulslonding smeplishmente ce of teohere eoeive tne"Thousands reoognition they deserve ‘trough anaforal Fete lo at yeare ava nner,progam Patios ‘Tact “Our award profamion pragram remains the favorable of exch ing? aaye Kevin Doyle, Ereatig We Prosident, Chadwicks of Boston. “Bach af he nominee alice (ther sce sndVivesulyoF fealar a diferanca tn the Toe‘ThethalChadwick's hayLoch” of Baslon ‘Tachsr ofthe Yor avard ieapen ta'the public all schelleachere From Kindargarien Unruh 12th nom be a aligibie are grade BEIGE tamale leaehor, tee wards orto 280 Leachor yp the By printarhaw Aaigiting hae trade 2 pale ingpcl apa, he Sremunity, he schol, the Case Sioior he ludeatswipuld be either ‘Nominations emailed We Chadwicks sblcchenialmor fealed to: of Boston ‘Rancher ef the Year Award, 948 Gral Phin Avenue; PO, Bar Ta Neottem, g0690.addrome Be sureardto Teclude yourManame, ramiated and Ihescealone, number Pinos Eidece al tome, slirasand phone number Addi larath relurn addres should TeSTihesnestoys leary2 marked on the aulide Nomina(ians must be postmarked duly 31,2001. UGachersbyfecsva cath ardWinning Chace wicks of Baslon gil erifetes Telcarn morsel 2-aas8704