Time Management Tips For Students


DP For Parents Time Management Tips For Students (NAPSA)}—Arecent study showed that many students struggle to balance family obligations, friendships, classes, homework,after-school activities and jobs. Experts say that, by managingtheir time, students can learn more, get better grades and have morefree time. To help students managetheir time moreefficiently, parents are encouraged to share these tips offered by Sylvan Learning Center: * Set achievable goals and establish rewards for meeting them, like taking a snack break, playing with a friend or doing somethingfun. Stick to routines because they help to predict what is expected. * Make a daily “To Do”list. Plan ahead for long-term assignments. * Break large projects into smaller, manageable tasks and prioritize what is most important. Use a clock at your workplace to stay within budgeted time for an assignment. * Get organized by using a daily planner, color-coding notebooks and calendars according to subject, tasks and other themes. Time management and organizational skills are taught in Sylvan’s Study Skills program. This program helps students in elementary, middle and high school develop a personal study process that worksbest for their learning style. For more information about this program visit www.educate.com.