Baby Formula


(NAPSA\_De. Wiliamflberah Sears wallheawn padiseician Sigh! and author af2aye 30 books an hd development, ite time Ip slapthe formals ware: Heme the escalating marieling war Inincen the mekor afinioel foe ‘Bula are cnfusing poisere Sh crestingferparanisacrzs unnectaary ware) Bnd arately the "Pheware oteskirmish in heCourt,fe mula iin Pedors] ‘here a judgeinrued = leraparary Toaltining seder gana oad BShomn, themaleralEniom Hla irom aaut distributing Taiee Tniormation “clare brand Formatthe lawersoesllorrae Lowe solderger, by Wal-Mart, Kae ‘Target, Aberizon's, CVS and other major relalore under Tiron somes ‘De. Segre lwo rahproblemesayswiththere the are eoalatIngTRrela laemala war companice do ot sdvaves fe betabreose FReting, ard if thaySeare. do, ijt ip sereog* ayeDr “Second Termab companfave gare loo Farin trying to claim product Fuperioiy for their own cme Sondtaeteae ‘Derien Serre saps brezolfeedirg i teal Hawsrer when far plead Inualse ra they should foow hat the Federal Faad and Drug Administration (Fa) regulg esFormula inferformule tnder the TnGnt feltame the Ine which reuse natal IRS met initurar and in same (Soe nesimum, inrodinleee ‘Dr Seare mays thal, byTee [haiin theintraesuranae have parcnis Fesy"san wath any sare the country, pick up any can of Infant formula, and Know thal= GBnlaing all the nutsilian Sealy Baby needs perepetive, "From his 30:ycar De Sars naye thethevarius aly sgrifcanl Aliferonas arr tere fnfoetlarmlae ld inthe United Slates io price Since3 week, thal an range rom $13 10925 the Giierenss eventos Ton inthe farmefaUnited ie 2 Sst 33.1 ion busines snlaapend an aterage of$1200Pa2 ot twa ralaral Bande an thewhichishath jose ion, ait xt ct raising 9 baby during the ft rand frmubeel thefr Slore Jase pte 4a percentTagethan ‘eejor infantupformule Brande, se Frg‘Se parents lo3003 year necdlonger, parentsandtobeif abe Lo Dbreaelieed neces Bary, help them rma mabe educated Falls onthie apne Sais De Sears