Children Invited To Learn About Disabilities By Creating A Unique Friend For Arthur


Children Invited To Learn AboutDisabilities By Creating A Unique Friend For Arthur by Eileen Howard Dunn (NAPSA)—Helping a child understand and appreciate the differences in others can be easier than many parentsrealize. Parents may consider these tips to help children learn that weall havedifferent levels of abilities as well as unique talents and similar interests: 1. Have your child look around his classroom, family or group of friends and notice that everyone has something that is unique and special. Point out what a boring place this world would be if we wereall just the same. 2. Explain disabilities in terms of adaptation. Just as people adapt to cold weather by wearing coats and mittens, some people with mobility issues may adapt by using a wheelchair. This positive approach helps show how we all adapt in our lives and that we’re more alike than different. 3. Talk to your child about what a classmate or neighbor with a disability has in common with oth- ers—the same age, school, a favorite movie, hobbyor sport. To help parents and kids talk about these issues, “ARTHUR,” the award-winning PBS KIDS GO!" television series, and CVS Care- markAll Kids Can, a program dedicated to makinglife easier for kids with disabilities, have introduced the “ARTHUR/AII Kids Can Character Search”! Children ages 6 to 12 are invited to send in their ideas for a newfriend for Arthur. Kids are asked to draw their character and describe what makes the character special. The child with the selected idea, along with his or her character, will be featured in a live-action segment on the show. Not only that, the With a chance to create a new friend for ARTHUR, kids can learn to understand differences. winner gets a visit from “ARTHUR”creator and author Marc Brown at his or her local school, library or a PBS station. The search is designed to educate children about the importance of inclusion and howchildren ofall abilities can play together. The contest also encourages parents and children to think about whatlife is like for someone they know who hasa disability. The contest is made possible by CVS Caremark and its All Kids Can program, which supports services that help children with disabilities learn, play and succeed in life. Visit to download the entry form as of February 1, 2009. Entries must be postmarked by March 31, 2009. You can find tips and resources at and on the PBS Parents Website, e Ms Dunn is Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications and Community Relations at CVS Caremark.