Cold Virus Or Allergy Attack?


HowTo Tell The Difference And Find Relief For Each (NAPS)—Colds and allergies can wear you down. Give yourself year. At the first sign of symptoms, many people will take just Seasonal cleaning—To reduce and prevent allergic reac- tinguishing between cold and bedding and use allergy-proof encasings when possible. Use a vacuum cleaner with a double- affect millions of Americans every sometimeto relax every day. about anything in their medicine cabinet for temporary relief. Dis- tions, rememberto regularly wash allergy symptoms, however, can sometimes bedifficult. bagged high efficiency particulate (HEPA)filter. e Stock up on remediesthat effectively treat each—Two over-the-counter remedies receiving praise from doctors and con- What’s the difference between the common cold and an allergy? An allergy is a physical reaction triggered by a substance known as an allergen. Some commonallergens are pollens, indoor mold spores, dust mites and animal sumers nationwide are Zicam Cold Remedy and Zicam Allergy Relief. dander. Allergens enter the nose and throat causing an immunolog- toms, plus a constant watery postnasal drip. Cold viruses do not ical reaction such as sneezing or a nasal dischargeis usually thick. Cold symptomstypically that are clinically tested to be safe and effective treatments,” said Dr. accompanied by a fever—allergy Hospital. “For example, recent clinical studies have been pub- ical response and immediate physrunny nose. The common cold, on the other hand, is caused by the rhinovirus that generally enters the body produce itching symptoms and come on gradually—and may be through the nose and resides in symptoms often hit quickly as seen in “sneeze attacks.” then infects and re-infects the body for a period of several days, sist for weeks to months—the typical lifecycle for a cold is 10 to body’s immunesystem. Since the symptoms of each Finding relief for colds and allergies can often be asdifficult as allergy and a cold? Here are a few to help you stay healthy during the the nasal passages andcells. It eventually overwhelming the often mimic one another, how do you tell the difference between an tips: Itchy eyes and nose— Allergies often cause these symp- e Allergy symptomscanper- 14 days. distinguishing between the two. Following are a few helpful hints cold and allergy seasons: Manage stress—Rushing around trying to balanceactivities “The medical community is supporting alternative remedies Michael Seidman, Henry Ford lished in peer-reviewed medical journals on homeopathic remedies such as Zicam cold and allergy products.” By monitoring lifestyle, listening to their bodies, and making healthy choices, consumers nationwide can minimize their cold and allergy risk. This could be the season to start getting well sooner! For more information about colds and allergies, log on to