How To Survive The Holiday Party Season--And Remain Pain-Free


+ +", Holiday Hints *, 4 oadageetaaeefaea How To Survive The Holiday Party Season— And Remain Pain-Free (NAPSA)—Office and other holiday parties don’t have to be a painful obligation, nor should they become so much fun that your reputation is jeopardized. Follow this simple holiday party survival guide: Pain-free party planning Planning early will reduce stress and increase your guests’ enjoyment. Cook and set up early. Decide the menu and get the groceries several days before the party. Plan what can be cooked the day before. Set up early, so you’re not still preparing as guests arrive. Keep the conversation flowing. Making guests feel comfortable can be tough. For guests who enjoy wine, serving a nice Merlot can help break the ice. Also, help guests get to know each other by having games available. Books that reminisce about an era in which many of the guests grew up are a good wayto start conversation. Give guests pain-preventing party favors. One recent survey shows it takes an averageof 3.2 drinks to cause hangover symptoms. Another reveals that 77 percent of women who drink wine suffer from wine headaches. To help your guests avoid these common, painful side effects, give Chaser Freedom from Hangovers and Chaser for Wine Headaches as party favors. These all-natural supplements absorb hangover and headache-causing elements in beer, wine and liquor. Chaser is available by calling 1-888-9609495 or visiting www.double Keep safety first. For those guests who drink, be sure to arrange a designated driver sys- Drink responsibly—watching your alcohol intake prevents hangoverpain and a reputation. tem or have the numberfor a taxi service handy. Surviving theoffice holiday party It is possible to make a good impression on the boss and have fun at the sametime. Drink responsibly. It’s okay to have a few drinks and cut loose with your boss. Just monitor your alcohol intake and don’t overdoit. A tarnished reputation doesn’t go over well in the office the next morning. Neither does a hangover. Keep that bottle of Chaser handy. * Be gracious. The company probably went to some trouble to give employees a nice party. Be sure to be courteous to everyone, particularly the bosses and those who were involved in the party planning. Relax. Show off your funny side. Tell some jokes. Just know whenit’s time to sit back and let the spotlight shine on someone else. Following these simple tips nearly ensures a happy, pain-free holiday season.