Working Together To Improve Patients' Lives


eve Pte|hie japrrov Werth. Togerher To lap (NAPSA)—Like the millions of Americans who suffer from depression or anxiety, you or someone you know may have taken the first step and sought medical advice. You may have been prescribed a medicine and told about the possibility of side effects in the beginning of your treatment. And if you did indeed experience somesideeffects, it’s likely that you stopped taking the medication prematurely. Don’t be surprised if this sounds familiar. More than half of patients who are prescribed antidepressants stop taking them patients stay on antidepressants Paxil CR can help patients stay on their medication for the full recommended course of therapy so that they can get the most out of their treatment.” The Geomatrix system controls how the medicine is used in the body. It delivers a controlled release of medicine at a constant rate each day, which provides disease, a new formulation of a “There is new hope for patients who have tried taking an antidepressant and stopped because of side effects. I would encourage people with depression and anxiety to talk to their physician about new treatment options,” Dr. Golden added. within the first three months, cit- ing adverse events as the most commonreason. This poses a challenge because expert guidelines recommend antidepressant treatment last six months to one year, to prevent relapse. So the question is, what can be done to help long enough to experience their full benefit? One possible answer involves technology and medicine working hand in hand to discover new ways to improve patients’ lives. Just as pacemakers have revolutionized the managementof heart widely used antidepressant may improve the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Scientists have incorporated an advanced, new technology called Geomatrix™ into Paxil (paroxetine HCl). This new medicine is called Paxil CR™ (paroxetine HCD Controlled Release, and is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of major depressive disorder and panic disorder. “In clinical studies with Paxil CR, patients experienced some symptom relief as early as the first week of treatment and most did not stop their treatment because of adverse events,” said Robert Golden, M.D., Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina School of Medicine. “What this suggests is that symptomrelief. For more information on Paxil CR, call 1-888-825-5249 or visit Paxil CR is generally well tolerated. As with many medications, there can beside effects. The most commonside effects reported in Paxil CR and Paxil studies included asthenia, infection, trauma, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, decreased appetite, somnolence, insomnia, dizziness, decreased libido, ner- vousness, tremor, yawning, sweat- ing, abnormal vision, abnormal ejaculation, female genital disorders and impotence. Patients should not be abruptly discontinued from antidepressant medication, including Paxil CR and Paxil. Concomitant use of Paxil CR or Paxil in patients taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or thioridazineis contraindicated.