Looking For Future Engineers For Future Needs


Engineers For Future Needs (APS)_Bvery day, proplons: ergineere must solve myriad But, whenproblems Wl comes the tnknown ofThe loflare seventhand cighigraders in ths annual Nalianal Bngincere iach Pulure Gly Campatitior™ ‘The program asks students to dnuigy sod build = ily atomar: ‘ae fret an computersale and mete then Inthnwe-dimenctinal She snd deal with urban chal Tenger suchpollution. ox lralfie Jarve crime, and Thyear The competion, now ine cinth pear Soyeandreached gine 2 recard 26,000 "Theapprasrately program began in 1395, with 600 sludents ‘Ths earzeven new regione fms, Colarsday BellasiPori “rth Lae Yegae, Manchin Minnea palisfSt. Paul and San Franciasjeined 18 ahers [nal perlicipatgd Tac year, intading Buttse, Chicga, Souih Florida, Hamplon Roads, Houston, Lae Angeles, Michigan, Milwaulee, ew YorkPhiladelphia, Cit, Ghia, OMahoma, Onsha, Phoeni, Pilsburgh, St, Laut, Washinglon, De and Washington Stale. New fedeexraliva, Tediana, andevarahLautiora North First place teams from the regignal programas won TreTrae trp tetn Washinglenfr talioral February 20 andi 21,tha ented byof Bentley Spalems, middle Mational Engineers Weck, cx haired in Protrsonal 2081'bytheEngineers National Shettyof Sede Tiegisiration depdline or the 2002 Puture City Competitionie Selsbe 1, 2001) Farmers ior tralian, vit wwrwfulussaipor,