Incorporating Learning Into Summer Fun


Incorporating Learning Into Summer Fun (NAPSA)—Forchildren, learning is an ongoing process—onethat continues even after the last bell of the school year. Just because families are gearing up for fun, sun and relaxation, that doesn’t mean educational activities can’t be incorporated into vacation plans. Educators remind parents that timeoff from school shouldn’t mean a vacation from learning. Research showsthat the pre-frontal cortex of the brain is growing during the first 20 years of a child’s life—and so the child should always be nurturing, fueling and exercising his or her brain. A lack of learning activi- ties during the summer months could result in lost stimulation during a critical development period. “Tt is just as importantfor chil- dren to participate in learning activities that exercise their growing mindsasit is to be involved in physical activities that keep their bodies healthy and strong,” says Andrea Pastorok, Ph.D., educa- tion specialist for Kumon Math and Reading Centers. Dr. Pastorok recommendsthefollowing activities that incorporate learning and engage a child’s brain: Reading and Writing Encourage your child to read aloud to a family membereach day Write letters together and send to grandparentsor friends Visit the library weekly, inquire about special events Math Build a kite with yourchild, cut and measure shapes. Take the kite out for a test flight Teach yourchild to keep score. Review batting averages or other statistics from the sports pages Science Help your child plant some flower or vegetable seeds and chart their growth ts “ey nh With a little creativity, parents can make year-round learning fun for their children. Take walksin the neighborhood or a park, learn about native plants and animals History Share stories about the history of your family, and work together to draw a family tree Research the foundersof your town, and visit historical sites Art * Tour an art museum orart exhibit at a county fair Encourage yourchild to draw a picture and giveit to a neighbor or friend Music Provide children with household items and let them maketheir own instruments Help them write a song and perform it together No matter what you do, always find something genuinely positive to say to your child every day. Kumon Math and Reading Centers is an after-school supplemental education program that helps students strengthen math and reading skills, increase confidence and develop study skills that last a lifetime. To learn more, call 1-800-ABC- MATHorvisit