Are Energy Issues On Your Mind?


? ? 2 What’s Your e e Opinion? ? ? 2 22 2PPP2P2PP PP PP PEPER? Are Energy Issues On Your Mind? (NAPSA)—A recent survey shows energyis a tep-ofthe mind issue for consurners. Of particular concern are high energy prices, and a dependable energysupply. MER? ez NPP NEW wo.” TECHNOLOGY A wise energy policy can lead to a strong economy and healthy environment. According to Edison Electric Tastitute, the price of energy, as with all products, is affected byits demand and supply. More demand or less supply will lead to higher prices, America’s electric companies believe that to achieve a stable and secure energy future, the country will have to take action on hoth the supply and the demand side of the issue. On the supply side, more power plants and electric transmission wires are needed to keep pace with economic and population growth. On the demand side, consumers and businesses will need to do their part by using their energy moreefficiently. With today’s energy-efficient products, some simple tips and information, and innovative elec- tric company programs, it’s easier than ever for consumers to save energy. Using energy efficiently can save them money and make their homes more comfortable too. To learn more, visit www.ceiorg.