Recycling On The Rise


(NAPSA)—Chancesare you are not the first person to read this paper. In fact, many other people haveprobably read from it, used it as wrapping or even written on it. That’s because more than 37 percent of the fiber used to make new paper and paper products comes from recovered paper. U.S. paper recovery recently reached an alltime high of 50.3 percent. Positive that we can recover more paper for recycling, the paper industry has set an aggressive goal to recover 55 percent of all paper consumed in the U.S. by 2012. Experts say the benefits of recycling paper are extensive and that every bit of paper used for recycling today helps to improve the environment tomorrow. In addition: Americans recycle 270 million poundsof paper every day. Newspapersare recycled into new products including cereal boxes, egg cartons, grocery bags, tissue paper, corrugated boxes and many morediverse products. Every ton of paper recycled saves more than 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space. The current success of paper recovery in America is the direct result of individual, corporate and industry support and action. To continue the upward trend in the amount of paper being recovered for recycling, the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) has created a variety of materials and resources that are available at Re-Useful—Recycled paper is used to make egg cartons, gro- cery bags, cereal boxes andtissue paper, among otherthings. The site features information about the paper and paper products we use in our everyday lives, andprovides insights into creating or improving a paper recycling program. Visit to learn how you can help increase paper recovery at school, at the office, and in your community. AF&PAis the national trade association of the forest, paper and wood products industry. AF&PA represents more than 200 compa- nies and related associations that engagein, or represent, the manu- facture of pulp, paper, paperboard and wood products. The forest products industry accounts for approximately seven percent of total U.S. manufacturing output, employs 1.5 million people, and ranks among the top 10 manufacturing employers in 42 states.