Soybean Yields Rise


Soybean Yields Rise (NAPSA)—Good newsfor consumers: Although U.S. soybean yields have hovered in the 40bushel-per-acre range for the past decade, plant breeding and technology advances are now enabling farmers to realize higher yield and profit potential. Data from the United States Department of Agriculture indicates that soybean yields have increased from an average of 23.5 bushels per acre 50 years ago to nearly 40 bushels today. What’s more, new technologies and improved agronomic practices are expected to increase the rate of gain so that 80-bushel yields— double the current U.S. yield average—are possible in another 20 years. Great strides in breeding and new biotech traits can help soybean farmersreachtheir full yield potential. Advanced breeding methods create new, more robust varieties that provide better yield stability and tolerance to disease and environmentalstress. Additionally, biotechnology adds special beneficial genes to the plant. One such recently introduced technology—Asgrow brand Genuity™ Roundup Ready 2 Yield —not only supports effective weed control but is the first soybean New trait technology has led to what a farmer called “amazing” five-bean pod soybeans. trait that provides a proven biotech yield advantage. Many farmers saw firsthand the impact of this new technology, including Illinois farmer Steve Copp, who experienced the “fivebean pod phenomenon”in his field. “Three-bean pods are common, four-bean pods are out of the ordinary and five-bean podsare pretty amazing,” said Copp. “You can imagine how surprised we were when we found three five-bean pods in one field. The years of commitment to research are really payingoff.”