The Math Of Feeding The World


a age . a STOGh March25,2014 Agriculture: 365 Sunrisesand 7 Billion Mouthsto Feed @ One farmer 144 people fed and clothed. America’s food producers play a vital role in feeding an ever-growing and increasingly affluent global population. (NAPSA)—Thenexttime youre enjoying a meal, take a moment to think about where the food came from. Think about the family farmer or rancher who helped put it on your plate—not only that day, but all 365 sunrises a year for you and the other 7 billion and counting people around the world American agriculture feeds. The family farmers and ranchers across the country—less than 2 percentof the U.S. population—producethe food, fuel and fiber people around the world dependon to survive. Simply put, one farmer today produces enough to help feed and clothe more than 144 people on Earth. They contribute to the food and energy security of the nation, providing the safe, healthy, abundant and affordable food we expect each time we visit the store or restaurant. All withoutfail. It’s one reason for the annual celebration of National Ag Day— this year, on March 25 (though any day is a good time to be grateful to America’s farmers)—a nation’s tribute to thousands of farm families. According to the Agriculture Council of America (ACA), the national organization charged with promoting National Ag Day, it’s important that consumers understand where their food comes from and that many of today’s farmers use the latest technologies and safe, modern, sustainable practices to raise vegetables, fruit, meat, milk, eggs and otherfoods. The ACA believes an accurate, basic understanding of how food is produced and how it gets from farms to their family’s plates will give consumers a greater apprecia- tion for farmers who produce it and greater confidence in the wholesomenessof the food they eat. Farming and ranching take a passion and a dedicated 24-houra-day, seven-day-a-week commitment. For farm families, it’s a way of life that requires tremendous knowledge and financial resources and is greatly dependent on weather and market conditions to be successful. Learn More For further information about National Ag Day and how yourfood is produced, go to