Get The Most From Your Retirement Funds


r u t u F U O V fanning FOL Gt Th Most From Your Rtirmnt Funds (NAPSA)—Thr’s som good nwsfor rtirs sking to strtch thos prcious rtirmnt dollars. Crtifid Rtirmnt Financial Advisors” (CRFA")ar spcially traind in th financial issus that impact you,thrtir. Ths ar som of th issus a CRFA”can advis on: How to rduc or liminat tax on your Social Scurity incom How to harvst your assts to makthm last th longst Th scintific way to divid your invstmnts to mak sur your mony outlasts you Long-trm car or Mdicaid? How ths work for financing halth car in latr yars Managing your IRA—why laving your IRA to your childrn could turn out to b th opposit of what you hop to accomplish Rvrs mortgags—how do thy work and can thy giv you xtra incom for a comfortabl lifstyl? How to protct your assts from liability, taxs and catastroph Why stat planningiscriti- cal to vryon no mattr your lvl of assts—don’t crat ndlss hartachfor hirs. CRFAs™ ar xprincd financial advisors who tak th additional 4-day training in spcific rtir financial issus. Thn, thy must pass a four hour closd-book It’s nvr too lat to larn how you can mak th most out of your rtirmnt savings and incom. xam and complt 15 hours of continuing ducation annually in financial issus spcific to rtirs to maintain thir comptnc. A survyof ovr 10,000 rtirs rankd ths thr issus of top importancin slcting a financial advisor: 1) Yars of xprinc th advisor has, 2) Whthr th advisor is a spcialist in rtirmnt issus and 3) Whthrth advisor has crdntials from spcializd training. To find somon with all thr, visit www.rtirmnt-finan-