The Power Of The Flower


The Power Of The Flower (NAPSA)—A new study says what the flower children of the *60s never doubted—flowers make you feel at peace. A behavioral research study conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, reveals that people feel more compassionate toward others, have less worry and anxiety, and feel less depressed when fresh-cut flowers are present in the home. So how can you take advantage of flower power? Fresh-cut flowers in the kitchen might wash the blues away. * Participants in the study reported the greatest mood-boosting effects when fresh-cut flowers were placed in common areas of the home. * The kitchen table is a great place to display flowers, becauseit’s where people often gather together. * Stop by your favorite floral retailer, where you'll find a wide selection of flowers from which to choose. * For an easy, elegant table decoration, set a series of alternating crystal vases on a fabric runner. Place fresh flowers in each of the vases and surround A study found that fresh-cut flowers can affect your mood. them with greenery. * Float two or three blooms, such as open roses or gerber daisies, in a favorite glass bowl. * A flower bouquet can also perk up personal spaces, such as bathrooms and bedrooms. * Choose soothing colors, such as blues and greens, to create a tranquil feeling, or bright reds and oranges for a more sensual arrangement. Yellows and peaches are nurturing and pinks and lavenders are romantic. For moretips, visit www.flower and the Website ma Flowers in a home’s common area could help spread cheer.