Easy Steps To Lower Cholesterol


In Shape Easy Steps To Lower Cholesterol (NAPSA)—You can take steps to combat what is the greatest Substitute soy nuts for other salty snacks. disease is high cholesterol. The dairy products, or low-fat soymilk. Find ways to incorporate addi- health risk most Americans face: heart disease. A major contributor to heart good newsis that in most cases cholesterol can be controlled through diet and physical activity. Making lifestyle changes seems to be the biggest barrier for Americans who are trying to lower choles- terol levels. “Adding heart-healthy foods, as suggested by the American Heart Association, can have positive effects on your heart health over time, and it’s easier than people think,” says Liz Nordlie, Honey Nut Cheerios brand manager. “You don’t have to suddenly change everything about the way you eat. In fact, many great-tasting foods that can help lower your cholesterol are already in most people’s cupboards, such as Honey Nut Cheerios cereal, which has been given the American Heart Association ‘Heart Check’ because it’s a heart-healthy food.” Heart Smart Tips Start with breakfast. Honey Nut Cheerios now includes more soluble fiber per 1-cup serving (0.75 grams), which may help lower cholesterol as part of a low-fat diet. For lunch, use rye bread for added flavor and heart-smart soluble fiber. Dress up your salad with kid- ney or garbanzo beans instead of saladoil. For a quick snack, keep apples, baby carrots, pears and oranges on hand. Choose skim and other low-fat tional exercise in your normal routine: take the stairs rather than the escalator or elevator; choose a parking spot farther from the door of the parking garage or shopping center. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break or a quick walk aroundthe block before dinner. For more information on how to take the first step to lower cholesterol or to download tasty heart-smart recipes, visit www. cheerios.com. The American Heart Association recommendsfourdietary guidelines fo help in the fight against heartdisease. 1. Achieve anoverall healthy eating pattern.Addfruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meats and legumesto your regular diet. 2. Achieve a healthy body weight. A healthy eating plan and exercise can help your achieve your healthy body weight. 3. Target a desirable blood cholesterol level. A fotal cholesterol level below 200 mg/dlis desirable. 4. Achieve a desirable blood pressure. Have your physician or health professional monitor your blood pressure. @