A Fun Way To Obtain The Benefits Of Soy


A Fun Way To Obtain The Benefits Of Soy (NAPSA)—For centuries, Asian cultures have known about the health benefits of the soy bean. As Americans learn more about these benefits, soybeans and soy-based products, such as soymilk and tofu, are increasing in popularity. Because the FDA says that consuming 25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease, more Americans are finding ways to work soy into theirdiets. One of the easiest and most fun waysto eat soy is edamame, which resemble small sugar snap peas. Edamame, “The Wonder Veggie,” are large soybeans that are har- vested when the beans arestill green and sweet and only 80 to 90 percent mature. A common appetizer in Japanese restaurants, edamamecan be served as a snack or a main vegetable dish, after boiling in slightly salted water for One of the easiest and most fun ways to eat soy is edamame, which resemble small sugar snap peas. '% tsp. ground coriander 14 tsp. ground cayenne ‘4 tsp. ground cumin 6 Tbsp. olive oil ‘4 cup fresh lime juice ‘4 cup choppedfresh cilantro, plus a few sprigs for garnish Prepare: Roast the garlic in four to five minutes. an ungreased skillet over medium heat, turning frequently until softened, about gen. In addition to soy protein, edamameis low carb, containsall skins. Boil the Seapoint Farms Shelled Edamame in salted Just one % cup serving of edamame contains 35 mg of isoflavones, or plant-based estrothe essential amino acids, is high in essential fatty acids and fiber, and contains no cholesterol. For more information about edamame, as well as fun, healthy edamamerecipes, visit www.Sea pointFarms.com. Here’s a deli- clous and easy recipe for Spicy EdamameDip: SPICY EDAMAME DIP 4 large garlic cloves, unpeeled 1 bag (16 oz.) Seapoint FarmsShelled Edamame 1'A tsp. salt 15 minutes. Cool and peel water for 5 minutes. Drain edamame and cool to room temperature. Place peeled garlic into a blender or food processor with the motor running to coarsely chop it. Add the drained edamame, salt and spices. Add 1h to 94 cup of the cooking water and process until a smooth pure. Add the oil, lime juice and cilantro. Pulse to combine. Spoon into a serv- ing dish. Serve at room temperature with cut celery & zucchini wedges for a low carb and healthy snack.