Children's Favorite Fruit = Success At School


Children’s Favorite Fruit = Success At School (NAPSA)—Strawberry snacks are getting good grades at school. Nutrition research has revealed that by promoting more servings of fruits and vegetables in schools across the country, attention span in class increased, the risk of obe- sity lessened and preferences for fruit over fatty snacks developed. During a USDAschool pilot program, researchers found that school-age children regularly chose strawberries over other fruits and vegetables for their meals. “Strawberries are a super food with less sugar than bananas, apples, grapes or other popular fruit. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which protect the brain and heart and reduce the risk of some diseases—but if kids request strawberries because they like the taste, then it makes our jobs as parents even easier,” says Dr. Gary Small, chief of UCLA’s Memory and Aging Research Center, father and author of the new book “The Longevity Bible.” “Also, it’s important to keep strawberry snacks in mind for our children since it’s never too soon to start eating well for a long, healthylife.” Evidence continues to mount that strawberries are one of the most nutritious fruits you can eat. Oneserving of eight medium strawberries has been found to pack more vitamin C than an orange. at Ps re ) a : A i .0hCUelUfG j MAKE LUNCHTIME FESTIVE—Kids enjoy nutritious and tasty straw- berries for the entire school year. It’s easy to turn wholesome, red, juicy and delicious strawber- ries into unique treats for your children. Imagine the surprise when they discover a strawberry kabob in their lunch—strawberries on a skewer. They’re colorful and easy to pack. Add a vanilla yogurt or pudding cup to their lunch for dipping—always a fun activity. Or try minibagels with cream cheese and strawberry slices. All are healthy indulgences popular with kids. California strawberries are available all year long. That means kids can enjoy nutritious, wholesome and tasty strawberries for the entire school year. So when your children go to schoolthis fall, don’t forget the strawberries. Their bodies, hearts and minds will thank you. For hundreds of recipes and quick and easy ideas for serving California strawberries, go to