Corn And Peppers Add Zest To Potato Cakes


orner Corn And Peppers Add Zest To Potato Cakes (NAPSA)—Youcanbringlife to leftovers by adding new flavors and ingredients. For example, leftover mashed Idaho Potatoes can reappear as zesty potato pancakes studded with Southwest corn and multicolored peppers. These are baked, not fried, yet they still brown nicely. Serve with a dollop of re- duced-fat sour cream, if you like. Zesty Idaho Potato Cakes Cooking spray Spray a 4-cup measuring cup with cooking spray. Using the 2 cups leftover mashed Idaho Potatoes (homemade worksbest) cup, scoop up the potato mix- % cup corn kernels (if frozen, thawfirst, then squeeze out excess water) % cup frozen, diced red and green sweet peppers (thaw, then squeeze out excess water) 1 egg white 4 cup shredded taco cheese (cheese blend with added seasonings) 4 tablespoonsall-purpose flour 1 tablespoon minced, dried onion 1 teaspoonsalt % teaspoon chili powder Optional garnish: 4 cup shredded taco cheese Preheat the oven to 375F. combineall ingredients and fork sheet to release the potato mix- ture. Continue to scoop, making 8 portions (you may need to respray the cup once or twice to help release the potato mixture). Gently press the portions with your palm to form pan- cakes about %-inch thick. Spray the tops of the pan- cakes lightly with cooking spray. Bake for 20 minutes. Using a metal spatula, flip the pancakes and bakeanother 15 minutes. Transfer pancakes to a serving platter using the with additional taco cheese, if Coat a baking sheet with a liberal amount of cooking spray. In a medium mixing bowl, a ture andlevel it off with your clean hand. Invert thefilled cup over the prepared baking spatula, then sprinkle them % teaspoon ground cumin mix well with wooden spoon. Combining flavors and ingredients in new ways can giveleftovers a newlife. or desired. Serve hot. Serves 4. For more ideas, visit Approximate nutritional analysis per serving: 198 calories, 17 mg cholesterol, 979 mg so- dium, 8 g protein, 6 g fat, 31 g carbohydrates.