New Research Affirms Nitrite Safety And Benefits


TRASNSeeSe)1 New Research Affirms Nitrite Sa fety And Benefits (NAPSA)—Nitrite. Media reports cite this important food additive as if it’s something to fear i alleged link to cancer are very rather than a safe, beneficial food weak at best, he said, and recent data reveal anti-tumoractivity. “Our research shows that when why do meat processors add it to some products? tumor growth. And when ascor- ingredient. So whatis nitrite? And nitrite is applied directly to tumor cell lines, it does not promote Nitrite is a salt that is used to bate (vitamin C) is added together that using certain salts produced a distinct pink color and smokyfla- ited,” he said. The good news: Vitamin C is routinely added with nitrite to cured meats. Food Safety Benefits Consumers who hear the word “botulism” think it’s a disease of with nitrite, cell growth is inhib- make “cured meats” like ham, salami, hot dogs and bacon. In centuries past, before refrigeration, meat was salted to preserve it. Early sausage makers recognized the past. When it comes to cured vor in meat products. In the 1800s, scientists came to understand that the salts contained nitrate, which became nitrite when added to meat. Not only did “curing” create a unique taste andcolor, it also delayed spoilage—acritical benefit before refrigeration. While we have refrigeration today, many con- sumers continue to enjoy the dis- tinct taste of cured meats. Sources Of Nitrite Most people don’t realize, how- ever, that their nitrite intake comes largely from vegetables and saliva. According to a poll by Opinion Dynamics, one-third of consumers wrongly cited cured meats as the largest nitrite source. Only 23 percent recognized vegetables and only 2 per- cent recognized saliva as top sources. Nitrite expert Dr. Nathan Bryan at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston isn’t surprised, because he says there are many myths about nitrite sources and safety. His analysis a Cured meats that contain nitrite, like vegetables and water that contribute nitrite to the diet, are a safe and beneficial part of a balanced diet. shows that a spinach salad and a meats, it certainly is. Why? Since nitrite has been added routinely to commercially cured meat products, no case of botulism has been linked to cured meats. Meatscientists now understand that nitrite in cured meats is also extremely effective in reducing ham sandwich contribute the same exposure ofnitrite to the diet, while other bacteria that can still pose a problem,like the germ that causes the food-borneillness listeriosis. “Consumers shouldn’t fear nitrite; the medical community ery, lettuce and even humansaliva, Randy Huffman, Ph.D., president of the AMI Foundation. “Nitrite has demonstrated public health benefits. And consumers who learn the most current facts surrounding nitrite will appreciate nitrite’s food safety value.” For a brochure on common ingredients in processed meat a liter of popular pomegranate juice contains 100 times more nitrite than a hot dog. Other major sources include broccoli, beets, celdue to our body’s ability to reduce nitrate to nitrite. Dr. Bryan says the body makesnitrite as part ofits own healthy nitrogen cycle, andscientists are just beginning to understand its many health benefits. “Nitrite can prevent injury from a heart attack, control blood pressure, promote woundhealing, help treat sickle cell anemia and many other health conditions and may even prevent disease progression,” he said. Old myths about an certainly doesn’t anymore,” noted products, visit www.MeatMatters or send a stamped,selfaddressed envelope to AMI, 1150 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036.