Elevate Your Holiday Meal With This


Prosciutto Cranberry Crost Recipe (NAPSA)—Here’s a great way to make holiday entertaining easier and more fun for everyone: Ham it up. Not with just any ham, however. Stock up on Prosciutto di Parma. Prosciutto di Parma is an excellent item to keepin yourfridge duringtheholi- days becauseit offers a variety of ways to elevate any meal, from your main dish to festive appetizers or straight out of the package to the plate for a last-minute charcuterie board. Prosciutto, which means “ham” in Italian,is aged by a special dry-curing process. Discriminatingpalates are partial to the delicate, savory flavor of Prosciutto di Parma. It can be produced only from specially bred pigs in the country- side surrounding thecity of Parma,Italy. In Parma, the art of making prosciutto is passed on from generation to generation and the methodsused thousandsof years ago have remainedconsistent. So has the guarantee of the Parma Crown, fire-branded on every leg, and visible on every presliced package, so that you knowit’s a 100 percent natural product made with noadditives or preservatives, justseasalt, air and time. One great way to serveitis in this elegant,flavorful appetizer. Prosciutto di Parma Cranberry Crostini % cup cranberry compote (recipe below) 1 18-inch baguette %4 Ib melting cheese such as white cheddar, grated 10 slices Prosciutto di Parma Extra virgin olive oil, as needed Cranberry compote 12 0 fresh or frozen cranberries 3 Tbspbutter 6 Thsplight brown sugar 6 Thsp maple syrup 1 Tbsp grated orangerind tsp ground cinnamon % tsp salt Improve your holiday dinner with dishes made with therich flavor of authentic Prosciutto di Parma such as these Cranberry Cros Preheatovento 350 E Forthe cran- berry compote: Rinse and drain the cranberries well. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a medium saut pan over medium-high heat. Stir in the cranber- ries and other ingredients. Cook, stir- ring occasionally, until cranberriesstart to break down and mixture thickens, about8 to 10 minutes. Set aside to cool. For the crostini appetizer: Slice baguette into 24 rounds about %- inch thick. Place rounds on a baking sheet anddrizzle lightly with olive oil. Bake until toasted, about 5 minutes. Remove from oven andlet cool. Divide cheese on top ofthe toast rounds andreturn to the oven. Bake until the cheese has melted, about 5 minutes. Top with a thin layer of cranberry compote, then place % slice of prosciutto on top. ‘Thetart cranberries paired with sweet yet salty Prosciutto di Parma and savory cheese will haveyouandyour guests enjoy- ing these crostiniall night long. Bursting with flavors just right forthe holidays, they pair well with a bold red wineto bring out all therich flavors further. Learn More For more holiday inspiration, visit https://parmacrown.com/seasons/.