Your Weight-Loss Plan


(NAPSA)—Here’s refreshing news for many people who fear they have a slim chance of staying thin: A diet can be easier to stick to with the help of a home soda maker that can help you quickly and easily make delicious, lowcalorie soda. Soda-makers also let you create refreshing, sparkling water. For those looking to cut back on calories, without sacrificing the flavor of regular soft drinks, one company offers not only the soda-making machine but delicious SodaMix flavors that have two-thirds less sugar and two-thirds less carbohydrates per serving than regular canned or bottled soda. Diet varieties are sugar free and contain less than five calories per serving. Health care experts say all adults should have at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day. You’ll need even more to stay hydrated if exercising is part of your weight-loss regimen. One plus on your way to subtracting pounds: drinking water throughout the day can also curb hunger pangs and make youfeel fuller at mealtime. To add fizz to your diet, a soda maker can turn plain water into sparkling water with a simple press of a button. Once the water is carbonated, add your choice of flavoring to make sodaorfruit flavors. Flavors include cola, diet cola, root beer and delicious fruit flavors made with real fruit juice such as apple-peach, cranberryraspberry and pink-grapefruit. “We're happy to offer a way for people to enjoy freshly made soda or seltzer at home while still achieving their weight-loss goals,” You mayfind it easier to put a bit of delight into your next weightloss diet with the help of a simpleto-use seltzer and soda maker. said Gerard Meyer, president of Soda-Club, USA. “What’s more, Soda-Club is perfect for serving anytime, even when you're not on a diet.” At just 16 cents per liter of seltzer and 36 cents per liter of soda, it can be a great value as well. The sleek and stylish soda makers are each about the size of a coffee machine and available in classic white or modern silver/ black. Using a home soda maker can even be good for the environment. With the company’s reusable carbonating one-liter bottles, there are no more empty cans or bottles to discard or recycle. Soda-Club home soda makers can be ordered by calling toll free, 1-888-SODACLUBor on the Web at Visit the Web site for information on where to get a free sample and demonstration. wena enn n eee eeeWawa nnn Note to Editors: January has been designated National Diet Month, but this feature can be run at any time.