Project American Heart


At Home Project American Heart (NAPSA)—Emily Haggman of Massachusetts says America’s immense compassion and generosity has inspired her to create Project American Heart. A newcharitable venture works to build American pride and unity. She launched the new charitable venture to create “a wave of giving” and a goal of donating $1 million to charity by selling patri- otic-themed products. Haggman picked four charities that support disabled veterans, women’s heart disease, children and education, and the prevention of cruelty to animals. She recently added the Salvation Army to the list, donating $5,000 to help survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. “What unites us is 1,000 times more powerful than what divides us,” Haggman says. “We’ve shown kindness, compassion and charity worldwide; now it’s time to take care of our own. We wantto build American pride and unity.” For product information, visit For other information, visit http://